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25 Jan 2023

A day to reflect and acknowledge

gum leafs

As Thursday 26 January 2023 approaches, some of us will use the day to gather with family and friends, celebrate our nation and our newest citizens, or acknowledge those honoured with Order of Australia awards for outstanding service.

The Academy also recognises the pain, trauma and dispossession of Country this date also signifies to many Indigenous Australians working in education and to Aboriginal Victorians in the communities we serve.

The Academy is committed to strengthening Aboriginal cultural safety and increasing Aboriginal employment and self-determination through Dhelk Wukang, the Aboriginal inclusion plan, and the Aboriginal Employment Plan. But there is much more to do.

It’s important for us all to take the time to consider the wellbeing of colleagues and community members for whom this date is painful and confronting. The Academy encourages all of our stakeholders and friends to consider actions for enhancing Aboriginal inclusion, such as commemorating significant Aboriginal dates and events. 

Supporting resources

Further your understanding of how the Department of Education is supporting inclusion by exploring the Dhelk Wukang 2022-26 Aboriginal Inclusion Plan

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