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23 Apr 2020

Boosting Psychological Wellbeing

Being aware of our emotions during times of crisis can support us to take intentionally and constructive action to support wellbeing.
Producer and cameraman in a recording session
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    Crises create a heightened sense of emotion. And while emotions are important in challenging times and environments, it is important to pay attention to the positive and negative ways they impact the way we think, behave and perform.

    Explore how having self-awareness allows us to act intentionally with our emotions rather than having our emotions control us. It allows us to demonstrate empathy and be in tune with the way others feel and use that as a source of information. 

    This recording examines and reflects on thinking, physical, relationship and environmental strategies that support self-awareness and wellbeing. 

    This resource was developed by the former Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership.  

    Length: 1:07:35

    Transcript file
    167.72 KB

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