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20 Apr 2022

Communities of Practice roles and responsibilities

The Communities of Practice approach supports the ambitious and powerful vison for Victoria’s education system outlined in the Education State.
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    Communities of Practice (CoP) is an approach that challenges our assumptions about the nature and scope of leadership and encourages us to understand it as a collective responsibility.

    The CoP approach guides the work of network and ensures that educational leaders play a key role in shaping a self-improving education system.

    This publication outlines a set of guidelines to assist with network governance and supports network chairs and executives to fulfil their roles confidently and effectively in a CoP.

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    Discover more resources
    Evidence to support Communities of Practice

    There is a range of evidence that sits behind the Communities of Practice approach. Explore the research underpinning this work with this fact sheet.

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    Communities of Practice self-assessment tool

    The ability for networks to reflect and grow their Communities of Practice approach is critical to success. This publication outlines the different elements of the self-assessment and how they are used to achieve progression.

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