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09 Mar 2022

John Hattie and Samantha Rodgers on Leading Engagement

Understand what it means for students to be ‘visible learners’.
Producer and cameraman in a recording session
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    Intervention is something educators do moment by moment.  

    In this webinar, educational researchers Professor John Hattie and Samantha Rodgers explore what it means to move away from assumptions and work towards discovery to understand exactly what student engagement looks like in the secondary classroom.  

    Hattie identifies 6 pillars of lesson design and how they align to maximise student engagement. He considers how educators can implement impactful change and what ‘visible learning’ means in practice. Reflect on how you set goals, leverage learning processes and monitor and use feedback with your students.  

    Length: 1:25:00

    Transcript file
    182.52 KB

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