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Dr Judy Willis on the neuroscience of learning

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    As part of the 2023 Teaching Excellence Program, international thought leader Dr Judy Willis  visited our Shepparton and 41 St Andrews Place centres. With over 15 years as a practicing neurologist and another 10 years as a classroom teacher, Judy shared her expertise and practical insights that can influence change in the classroom and at home.  
    During her visit, we recorded a series of short micro learnings aimed at helping both educators and parents better understand the influencing factors on learning and the neuroscience behind it. These videos are a great resource for educators but also parents who want to better understand how they can support learning and development.

    Who is Dr Judy Willis?

    Dr Judy Willis is an internationally recognised thought leader in neuroscience and education. She has combined her 15 years as a board-certified practicing neurologist with ten subsequent years as a classroom teacher to become a leading authority in the neuroscience of learning.  
    Dr. Willis has written 7 books and more than 200 articles for professional journals applying neuroscience research to successful teaching strategies. She is also on the adjunct faculty of Williams College. Dr. Willis travels nationally and internationally giving presentations, workshops, and consulting while continuing to write books. She has been selected by Edutopia as one of their “Big Thinkers on Education” and has led professional learning for both the 2023 Teaching Excellence Program and Alumni Network. 

    Dr Judy Willis on the neuroscience of learning

    You were a classroom teacher for 10 years, what 3 strategies can teachers implement to improve student engagement?

    How does understanding how humans learn help us to develop more effective teaching strategies?

    How can parents support the neurological growth and development of their children?  

    Why do you recommend explaining how humans learn and how the brain works to children and young people?  

    What are executive functions and what advice do you have for teachers?

    You talk about the ‘neuroscience of joyful education’ in a nutshell, what does that mean for students, teachers, and parents? 

    In your opinion, what are some of the biggest influences on a child’s neurological development? 

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    Baroness Susan Greenfield explores the neuroscience of teaching, learning and digital technology

    How do school leaders get the most out of technology for their teachers and students? In this podcast, Baroness Susan Greenfield describes her journey to becoming neuroscientist and explains how the brain evolves with every experience.

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