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04 Oct 2017

Principled Leadership in Challenging Times

Leading with principles is important, but principles alone are not enough to make an effective leader.
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    Leading with principles is important, but principles alone are not enough to make an effective leader. School leaders also need an ability to lead and manage effectively, writes education thought leader Steve Munby.

    Principles are not always ‘good,’ argues Munby, and they can be relative to a particular context or culture. Ethical, effective and sustainable leadership requires school leaders to review and build on their personal principles and to take a holistic view of school improvement.

    Some overarching principles can help guide decisions and behaviour. It is important to pursue social justice, maintain an awareness of leadership’s potential for good and harm, be open to challenges and continue to exercise your ethical muscle.

    Learn how to lead with authenticity, honesty and integrity, for good rather than glory.

    This article was prepared for Horizon: Thought Leadership, a publication of the Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership, Department of Education and Training, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

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