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11 Dec 2019

Neil Barker defines leadership as a lifelong learning journey

What are the fundamental skills for successful leadership in education? 
Woman smiling while recording a podcast
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    In this podcast, Neil Barker talks about his storied and diverse career in education – from working in youth justice, becoming the director of the Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership in 2016 and his most recent role with the International Educational Leadership Centre Network.

    Neil didn't go into education to lead, he went to teach. But his passion for the work opened him to leadership opportunities. Neil talks about the hallmarks of great leadership and how you can build these skills over time by taking risks and learning – in your work, professional and from mentors. He discusses his thoughts on future-ready leaders and the importance of their capacity for strategic systems thinking and creating context-driven learning communities.

    Discover who has inspired Neil and his advice for leaders building networks and leading during periods of rapid growth and uncertainty.


    Length: 33:00

    Transcript document
    159.71 KB

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