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14 May 2019

Viviane Robinson calls for quality conversations

What does effective system leadership look like for schools in an increasingly collaborative world?
Woman smiling while recording a podcast
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    Viviane Robinson is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Auckland. Viviane developed the theory and practice of Open-to-Learning™ Leadership to help leaders tackle difficult issues while building trust.

    In this podcast, Viviane talks about her strong interest in researching problems of practice that help teachers improve student outcomes. She explains the five ways in which evidence can tell us how leaders make a difference to outcomes and the importance of teachers being researchers – having a disposition of inquiry and curiosity – for real impact to happen. Viviane discusses what she means by highly quality conversations and how important they are to help leaders tackle issues rigorously while building trust.

    Discover more about Viviane's mission to reduce change to increase improvement and what she believes are the key development areas emerging leaders should be focusing on.

    Length: 35:00

    Transcript document
    157.21 KB

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