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04 Oct 2017

Intense Moral Purpose

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    The strongest school leaders are driven by an intense moral purpose. They strive to provide quality learning and equitable outcomes for students, write academics Linda Kaser and Judy Halbert.

    The authors propose that ethical leaders share three qualities: responsibility, presence and authenticity. These leaders are focused on closing gaps in performance and on the needs of their most vulnerable students. They are also willing to confront areas of weakness and find ways to build on strengths.

    Development of a defined, sustainable school identity and a clear direction are also key to successful leadership. Schools that develop a strong learning identity build pride in students and their communities. Effective leaders recognise the need for a team approach and build strong teams within and outside their school.

    Learn how a mindset of intense moral purpose inspires meaningful, sustainable improvements to school culture and student outcomes.

    This article was prepared for Horizon: Thought Leadership, a publication of the Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership, Department of Education and Training, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

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