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13 Aug 2019

Richard Gerver links leadership, passion and purpose in education

How can school leaders empower parents, students and staff to create sustained positive change? Richard Gerver talks about creating the conditions for excellence and enthusiasm within school communities.
Woman smiling while recording a podcast
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    Richard Gerver is an international speaker, best-selling author and world-renowned thinker. He has been described as one of the most inspirational leaders of his generation.

    In this podcast, Richard talks about the energy and sense of purpose and belonging he felt as a teacher that's never left him. He discusses the extraordinary transformation of Grange Primary School under his leadership, which started by him asking the question: What do we actually want our kids to look like as human beings when they leave us?

    Discover what Richard believes is the primary responsibility of a leader – it’s genuinely about empowering the people in your community – and the power of giving teachers and leaders opportunities and time use their passion to help ignite a greater sense of purpose, and preparing them to better cope with uncertainty.

    Length: 34:00

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    160.24 KB

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